Lets find the joy within....

So Lets find the joy within....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Today as I was reading by the lakeshore I saw a mother duck, with her ducklings. As I approached her by the edge of the land I realized that when she tried to quack no sound would come out. I thought to myself “who would ever think of meeting a mute duck”. As the day went on, the sun continued to shine and I carried on reading my book, I had understood that there was actually someone, ( and in this case it was a duck) like me. No I wasn't mute myself, but I had always had trouble doing things the way I was supposed to. I always ate with my utensils each in opposite hands. I had learned to read upside down, before I could read. I had colored everywhere outside the lines and I had always done my homework last question to first. Though I had done everything “improperly” I had always gotten it done, always faster than if I had done it “properly”.

The one thing I had learned from this duck today, was that if she could live her life going about her ways doing what she could do as an animal properly “improperly” , I could too! What had gotten me, was that tough as an animal she couldn't express herself the way she hoped to, she could still do it, as I saw her happy as ever, loving with a family of ducklings. This reassured me that though I had to work around my disability that one day I could also be living the dream I wanted to. Happy, Successful with a Loving family and a husband to discover love with.

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